Foreword by Elizabeth Abbott, author, short listed for the Charles Taylor Prize for literary non-fiction
Muir's excellent book Riverdale: east of the Don... is an important addition to the history and heritage of Toronto (George Rust-D'Eye, author, Cabbagetown Remembered, historian, municipal lawyer)
Author Elizabeth Gillan Muir delves into the history of Riverdale... [the book] is full of stories that capture Riverdale's history by looking at the streets and historic buildings that remain there
("Book of the Issue," Spacing Magazine)
A lively popular history of one of Toronto's most famous neighbourhoods...[with] well-chosen photographs... [and a] focus on...the women and children, an often overlooked element of neighbourhood life (Ontario Historical Society Bulletin)
A narrative that is well-crafted, never tedious and is replete with detail and even trivia that makes the journey through Riverdale's fascinating past an engaging and thoroughly enjoyable trip.
(David A Poulsen, author, The Rodeo Trilogy and other books)
Riverdale astonishes for its historical detail and wonderfully accessible text... a series of short, rich chapters. (Bruce Grant, professor of anthropology, New York University)
Read the stories of how Canadian women broke through the sky blue ceiling, first as passengers on planes, then as pilots and stewardesses, and finally as astronauts.
Foreword by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, historian and author, former president of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society
"With her usual felicitous and engaging prose style, Elizabeth Gillan Muir returns with yet another stellar book: well-researched and factually accurate, presented in a physically attractive format. Per ardua ad astra, indeed!" Pat Raible
"This is a timely book... these women made all Canadians proud. True pioneers, everyone of them."
Marc Garneau, Canadian astronaut
"Author Elizabeth Gillan Muir seeks to tell the story of individual women in Canadian aviation and at the same time…motivate and inspire a new generation with the fact that women really can fly…No dry and extensive tome, Muir has intentionally written a simple and easily readable little volume, composed in language that [even] teens can readily read…The book makes for
fast-paced reading and, while it can easily be read by teens and adults, it might also be ideal for bed-time stories read to an aspiring young aviator." COPA Flight 8 Ottawa (Canadian Owners and Pilots Association).

48 pages, ages 8+
When airplanes were first invented over 100 years ago, they were flown by men. Women weren’t even supposed to be passengers. But many “air-crazy” women wanted to fly, and eventually they did. Author and historian Elizabeth Gillan Muir tells fascinating stories about some of these courageous and determined women across Canada who contributed so much to Canadian aviation history.
“Living by an airbase as a child, I always had the yearning to fly. I never thought it possible until I read the story of Amelia Earhart in a children’s book. The diverse feats of these amazing women depicted in your book are sure to inspire young women alike. Bravo, Liz!”
Mary Ellen Pauli, Helicopter pilot
“Wonderful stories about Canadian women aviators, a long overdue topic. Inspiration for young girls who may want to pursue a career in aviation.” Akky Mansikka, Skywatch Pilot
"I gave Air-Crazy to my teenage daughter and she really enjoyed reading about the women in aviation – especially, Canadian women! She brought it to school to share with her friends who also love reading about famous and important women in history, and they enjoyed it too!
Thank you for publishing such a wonderful book!" Debra
“Air-Crazy by Elizabeth Gillan Muir is a great book for people who like the idea of flight and it gives the message that everyone should take a shot at anything that people say they can’t do…I think it should be in a library or given as a gift.” Leeloo Lengagne, 11 years old, children’s book reviewer for COPA Flight 8 Ottawa
Air-Crazy: fascinating stories of Canadian women in the air is for children ages 8+, but the engaging biographies and full-colour photos are sure to be enjoyed by everyone.
Air-Crazy is published by Another Chapter Publishing

A Woman’s History of Christianity is the story of female leaders in the Christian Church from its beginning until today. Over the centuries, women have served as priests and ministers, evangelists, deaconesses, apostles, missionaries, bishops, and perhaps even a pope. They have founded churches, preached and prophesied. But generally, church histories omit these women. This work recovers these strong and colourful leaders, many of them forced out of their positions by the church patriarchy. Most of their names are unfamiliar to the general population, but this work will help restore the recognition their contribution deserves.
In A Women’s History of the Christian Church: Two Thousand Years of Female Leadership, Elizabeth Gillan Muir offers a more inclusive and comprehensive narration of the development of the Christian tradition -- one which takes seriously the contributions of women. This groundbreaking volume packed full of helpful notes and sources is a must read for those who want a more complete understanding of the history of the Christian Church.
(Dr. Gary B. Agee, Professor of Church History, Anderson University’s School of Theology and Christian Ministry)
I really like the way you structured the book and how you presented the role of women in the Christian Church over time, with such a wide variety of denominations and churches. A hard job to do, bringing such diversity together in one text and to organize it in a way that flows. (Jim Bowen, genealogist)
…I have ordered your book for myself, and I have requested that (our) Library order the book for our collection. In addition, I have informed students in my Fall Term 2019 course, "Intro to the History of Christianity," about the book and its relevance and importance as a resource to them for a number of reasons related to their professional and ministerial endeavors. It just so happens that this Fall Term I assigned my students a mid-term paper project dealing with women's lives (and leadership roles) in the medieval and early modern periods, and have recommended your terrific book to the class as they decide which figure to explore and write about for this assignment… A.H.
“…I have already enjoyed enormously using your book in a course I taught…at the Masters level…I was so happy it was out just on time for the teaching of my course… “ W.D.
“Thank you! I have a copy and use it in my courses in Church History.” S.G.
“…This makes an excellent text for undergraduate courses on Church history…Muir’s approach is engaging in her writing style, the sources she chose to quote from, and use of illustrations. This can work well for students with little or no background in history/church history…” Laura Swan, Magistra Summer 2019, book review
Published by University of Toronto Press
The compelling story of the life and work of Methodist women who preached in the 1700s and 1800s. Their important contribution...has been virtually unknown and uncelebrated until now... a welcome addition to...our church history.
(United Church Publishing House)
Muir....has accomplished this task in thoughtful and informative chapters..." (Ontario History)
It remains animated by the clever use of snippets and quotations.
(Canadian Woman Studies / Les Cahiers de la Femme)

This excellent resource engages children and youth, addressing important issues relevant to contemporary culture in a manner that is appealing, fun and educational. (A. Klassen, editor, The Presbyterian Church in Canada)
Shortlisted for the Heritage Toronto Book Award
More Reviews
A unique and valuable book. It...fills a void in the chronicles of religion. It adds an important dimension to Canadian history. (University of Toronto Press)
This worthy book will become a reference tool for years to come.
(Methodist History)